Saturday, 31 December 2011

Google, Apple, & Samsung are once again comScore winners, Microsoft & RIM not so much

1. Droid_X_Doug posted on 7 hours ago 0 0

Why am I not surprised that RIM's sales are tanking? Uninspiring handsets, an O/S that is having problems with bricking handsets and the new and improved O/S and related handsets won't be available until probably 4Q2012 at the earliest all conspire to give consumers a reason to shop elsewhere.

2. gallitoking posted on 7 hours ago 1 0

never in my chicken mind I would have thought that RIM would collapse so fast... still waiting for MS to rise...not!..

3. Droid_X_Doug posted on 6 hours ago 2 0

Out of curiosity, why wouldn't you have thought RIM would fall so fast?

They have consistently been approximately 12 to 18 months behind both Apple and Android handsets in release cycle. There have been problems with each version of the O/S going back to v. 5.0 (they are now on v. 7). The handset specifications are obsolete before the handset even starts to ship. And, and, and. Even the U.S. govt. got fed up with the obsolescence and has been testing/certifying alternatives to RIM handsets.

No issues with your post, but I have been predicting RIM's sales declines since mid 2010 when I moved to the Droid X.

10. gallitoking posted on 4 hours ago 1 0

all valid points... however BB fans were loyal... and jumped ship so fast... it caught me by surprise..

12. protozeloz posted on 3 hours ago 0 0

To me it's rather slower I was expecting 10% already and there are tons of reasons why its dropping

-RIM waisted lots of precious time
- little efforts trying to gather devs and pump the store
- waist of valuable time
- concentrating resources on useless Android port apps
- no outstanding features that makes people want to switch
- believe the enterprise will remain loyal
- waisted time
- too many DOA products

Did I mentioned all the time waisted? I mean seriously their only hope could be BBX or whatever that's gonna get named and will arrive when everyone has their game geared up an extra lvl or two

5. godsarmylds posted on 5 hours ago 0 0

I think Droid, gallitoking was more going along the lines. That RIM so big and had once a long time ago had a strong OS compared to the compitition at the time. It's kind of hard to believe that they would have fallen to fast as they did. But I do agree with you droid that as soon as I got my first android (mytouch) all those years ago I knew that Black berry was going down. Up against Apple and Android. It really didnt have a chance. But it has drop so fast. Mainly cause they didnt really change anything big for like 3 years or even 4 years. And always slow to release new devices that came compatable with the newest 3g or 4g services that came out. Same problem with Palm no innovation really. And I'm sorry. Apple is on the same track edging to their nearly 6th year of being relased and still very little big signs of innovation. I hope Android doesnt do the same thing. ICS is a very nice update to the phone OS. And I hear the Apple 5 will be different. So I'm excited fr 2012. Hope to see some great innovation and hopefully not so many court cases.

6. Droid_X_Doug posted on 5 hours ago 0 0

Yeah, RIM does seem to be repeating the Palm experience. Nothing like arrogance to drive a company into the ground. It will be interesting to see how Android and iOS fare in 2012. I suspect they will both continue to push each other along, which at the end of the day is good for consumers of both brands. ICS is supposedly taking some cues from WP7/7.5, I wonder what iOS 5 looks like? ICS (laughing)?

7. ardent1 posted on 5 hours ago 0 0

"And I'm sorry. Apple is on the same track edging to their nearly 6th year of being relased and still very little big signs of innovation"

Apple is a software company at heart, so the innovations will be software based, i.e. Siri in beta, using software to manage the dual antennae, using software for image stabilization for the camera/camcorder, etc. iOS 5.0 is the first software where the OS is updated based on deltas ... the list goes on. Again, as the hardware improves, it allows Apple to do more with its software.

Here are some more Apple innovations: (a) a two-year-old smartphone (3GS) that continues to outsell the leading or cutting edge android devices, (b) Apple to maintain its margins in a very competitive market for so many years, which is basically unheard off, (c) being awarded patents, which is a sore points for the android camp, etc.

It takes great software to make great handsets and the recent Samsung fiasco of how it couldn't update 10 million phones due to bad software only reinforces Apple's strengths of integrating software and hardware.

Judging Apple's products based on hardware and spec's is the main reason why android OEMs failed to duplicate the success of the 3GS.

8. willardcw4 posted on 4 hours ago 0 0

Stop comparing 3 phones (3GS, 4, 4S) with dozens (android). It makes no sense. They are different platforms with different appealing features to various individuals, and although they are in direct competition, it's not an apples to apples comparison.

The most recent software innovations you speak of (including Siri beta) are not 'innovations'. They are modified or altered from other existing ideas / programs operating systems. Nothing is truly unique. The one thing they really are masters at is producing a really smooth and clean product, but the devices experience problems just like any other phone. Try writing an OS and updates for 25 phones with differing hardware and a fast release cycle.. it's tough. On top of that, different phone manufacturers have their own skins, even more of a programming nightmare, but it offers a unique experience that isn't shared by other products. Apple has a lot more time to develop software since they release products ~1 a year.

Oh ya, they are being awarded patents because they have really good lawyers who patent things that shouldn't be accepted as patents by the USPTO... not their fault, obviously, but just because they are filing a patent doesn't mean they created the system or technology (face unlock anyone..?!?!).

13. ardent1 posted on 3 hours ago 0 0

> Stop comparing 3 phones (3GS, 4, 4S) with dozens (android).

Actually, it's one phone (i.e. the 3GS) compared to the "leading edge" or "cutting edge" android phones like I wrote originally. I can't make this point any clearer (or any more lucid) in regards to the never-ending and always-used argument that spec's help drive sales. Thanks.

> The most recent software innovations you speak of (including Siri beta) are not 'innovations'.

Then we have a difference of opinion. I believe bring Siri in beta form to the mass consumer market that totals in the tens of millions users is "innovation" and you are more than welcome to disagree.

> Try writing an OS and updates for 25 phones with differing hardware and a fast release cycle.. it's tough.

Google created this problem by itself. Look at MicroSoft, they have minimum hardware spec's and Google failed to heed MicroSoft's wisdom.

> On top of that, different phone manufacturers have their own skins, even more of a programming nightmare

That is the OWN manufacturer's choicing, thus causing the great fragmentation and user experience of android. Samsung has no problem selling 10 million units of one phone, but will not fix it's software so its 10 million users cannot obtain ICS. They created their own nightmare.

> just because they are filing a patent doesn't mean they created the system or technology

That is not correct. As you know, there is a patent examiner assigned to the patent application so there is some standard Apple must pass. Also, people tend to think there is only one face unlock invention -- I beg to differ as I understand patents can't be too broad.

18. ILikeBubbles posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

as much as i'm fully on team android, i do have to agree that Ardent1 makes many good points and made them pretty one here can say that any iphone has been laggy or fc's. this is because of software.

and i'm sure there are MANY details and technicalidies that the general public doesn't know about that allows apple to patent things like face unlock or a touch integrated screen..

everyone knows pattents aren't based on who created the technology lol :p

9. Sniggly posted on 4 hours ago 2 1

Chugging the Kool Aid tonight, aren't you?

Samsung originally said they wouldn't update two lines of devices with hardware that's a year and a half old. The hardware isn't bad, the software isn't bad, the hardware is just OLD. Now Samsung is possibly releasing a neutered version of ICS for those devices to placate customers who probably wouldn't have given a s**t about having new software on a year and a half old phone before it was mentioned that they might get it by overspeculative news writers.

In other words, Samsung may take the Apple route: release a neutered update to hardware that's not even optimized for it.

Ardent, have you had the opportunity to handle a brand new 3GS preloaded with iOS 5? I have. It lags and stutters worse than my Droid X did on its worst day with Froyo.

The 3GS outsells other Android devices even now because it's a FREE IPHONE. Before that it was a 50 dollar iPhone. Before that it was a 100 dollar iPhone.

It's all about brand recognition. The iPhone is considered the premium product by those who don't know any better. I compare it to the brand recognition of Mercedes or BMW versus Cadillac. The car magazines and news teams and everyone else will compare the Caddy to the Mercedes or BMW, not the other way around. Even if the Caddy totally kills the other brand, it's still considered inferior by the snobs.

Another apt comparison is between the name and store brands of cereal. The store brands are usually pretty damn good, and often cheaper, but everyone wants the god damn brand name. They want that Apple logo on the back of their phone.

11. RORYREVOLUTION posted on 4 hours ago 1 0

I want Google to do some serious marketing for the Nexus devices. They need to go all out and make it a true Android top brand. If Verizon continues where they left off and offers the next Nexus device, I will become a loyal Nexus brand buyer. I really love my Galaxy Nexus and I think they are going in the right direction. They just need to market it and hype it up, then maybe it will be the antidote to the apple fever.

14. protozeloz posted on 3 hours ago 0 0

:O I'll like to hear some feedback about it. So think on buying GSM version for my main line. Talk the other day with John V. He seems to like the razr a bit more but playing with ICS made me like stock by a lot

16. RORYREVOLUTION posted on 3 hours ago 0 0

The screen is gorgeous, the device fits very nicely in your hand despite it's large size. ICS is really really nice, couple of bugs to work out but it works very nice. I have no urges to root, put a custom rom, overclock, or even use a launcher. I LOVE ICS, it feels complete and looks great.

Yes the speaker volume is pretty weak, if you want to watch youtube videos or listen to music, you might just wanna put in your headphones. Maybe it's just my hearing but the RAZR was way louder. Battery life is what you should come to expect. I have had no issues with signal/data connection or have I had any dropped calls.

I would get it in a heart beat if you have the chance to.

15. ardent1 posted on 3 hours ago 0 0

Sniggle, do you know what your problem is? You actually believe you own nonsense.

> The 3GS outsells other Android devices even now because it's a FREE IPHONE.

That is patently NOT true. There are lots of FREE android devices, many with better specs, and these devices cannot match the 3GS sales.

I said this before and I will say it again, the reason(s) why the 3GS sells well must also HOLD TRUE for any android device.

So the question right back to Sniggly et al is why doesn't free android devices (even those with brand recognition) sell as well as the 3GS?

17. protozeloz posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

Simple my friend

While your average droid has a killing robot commercial your iPhone has Santa using siri while your droid is and Android phone the 3GS is an iPhone how much does the actual consumer know it care? The iPhone is main stream just like the BB and BBPin where. I asked ppl why would they Use bb pin when they have the MSN and FB chat all the time anyways they couldn't pull an actual answer they simply use it because "yes" so why iPhone sells more?

- is more popular: when people hear "this is an iPhone"tuey know what it is . But what's a Nexus? What's a Galaxy? Is that the same as that crappy low end LG my cousin gave his GF?

- is better promoted: have you seen that awesome TV commercial promoting voice actions on various Android phones? Have you ever saw a comercial showing off latitude? Or other Android functions? People don't buy more Android because they don't know more Android. From how to operate it to its features.

19. protozeloz posted on 2 hours ago 0 0

Also companies have different live cycles for their products while 3GS is started to get discontinued the S1 is already out of commission not because they can't sell it but because it has a shorter life circle so it's not that Samsung or other are trying to replicate apples numbers but because its being the way the sell phones even before apple jumped the boat.

21. Sniggly posted on 23 min ago 0 0

You only paid attention to one paragraph of my post. I already gave the answer. Brand recognition and marketing.

Jesus, at least READ what I write.

Google, Apple, & Samsung are once again comScore winners, Microsoft & RIM not so much


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