Thursday, 13 October 2011

Testing For Weed: How To Pass When You're Dirty ? Positive ...

Now for sure all the politics and legal issues that surround the possession and use cannabis today are pretty much a joke. For some people though, who?s job or freedom is on the line because of these laws the joke isn?t funny. For these people, and you may be one of them a dirty test for pot can mean losing ones income and all the good things it brings, and even a loss of freedom. Getting snatched up and tossed in jail.

But there is some good news here for you, and that is that if you?ve smoked and you have a test coming up in the near future, there are steps that you can take to beat it. Do keep one thing in mind though, and that is that while you can beat that test you must if do the following step-by-step method, the steps must be done correctly. So the first thing that you need to do, is to stop smoking some three or four days prior to the test to rid your body of all the THC other than what?s stored in fat.

Then the next step you take, is some 24 hours prior to having to submit your urine sample, started drinking water. As much as you can tolerate but there is something else you need to know here. That is that if you overdose on water it can have a toxic effect on you, so keep that in mind if you begin to feel sick. After all, the last thing you need, is to have to explain to a probation or parole officer or your employer why you?re drinking massive amounts of water prior to your test.

Now the reason for the water, is to dilute your urine because the test for marijuana can only detect THC above a ?certain level in it. So get enough water in your body so that you?re basically just pissing out massive amounts of water such that when they go to examine your test sample, the THC will be too low to be detected. However, there is a catch. That is that all this water is going to make your urine ?clear?, and it?s also going water down the creatine level.

What you need to know here, is that when you?re test sample goes to the lab there?s more to the test the process than simply pouring some chemicals into it. Lab technicians all now know about this water dilution method for beating their tests, so they keep their eye out for urine that?s ?too clear?. You see, all they have to do is boil it down to concentrate the THC level such that it will be detectable, and then you?re screwed.

So the trick is to locate online and buy a ?proven pot piss test protection product?. Not a fake hyped up product that promises to somehow mask the THC because they just don?t work. Rather, one that?s formulated to be used with the above listed ?water down? technique. A product like this if we give you that extra dose of creatine to ensure that it will be there in the test sample also have a substance in their to give your urine a nice looking ?natural amber color?.

Written by Frank Hart. Looking to find the best deal on how to beat a drug test, then visit to find the best advice on how to pass a drug test in 24 hours.

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