Thursday, 10 January 2013

SRS Opens Electronics Recycling Facility in Canada

New facility is located in Laval, Quebec.

Sims Recycling Solutions (SRS) says it has officially opened a new electronics recycling facility in Laval, Quebec, Canada. The new facility is 55,000 square feet. It is the fourth electronics recycling facility for SRS in Canada. The company also operates two recycling facilities in Ontario and an electronics recycling facility in British Columbia.

?Quebec, home to 24 percent of the Canadian population, is the latest province to implement WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment) recycling regulations,? says Cindy Coutts, president of SRS, Canada. ?If Quebec?s volumes reflect those of other provinces driven by similar regulations, we can expect at least 25,000 metric tons of WEEE to be recycled in Quebec over the next year.?

Adds Coutts, ?Sims Recycling Solutions is committed to developing the most advanced recycling technology and in providing more green jobs in Canada and the world.?

The Quebec WEEE stewardship regulations, Direction des mati?res r?siduelles et des lieux contamin?s ? Service des mati?re r?siduelles/Regulation Respecting the Recovery and Reclamation of Products by Enterprises (here) took effect July 14, 2012.

SRS operates a total of 53 owned and operates electronics recycling sites globally, including 16 sites in the United States. The U.S. facilities are located in Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.


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